

On 15 April 2022, SEGi College Penang invited Chef Faizul Hazly Ghazali from Mamee to assess our students’ final project on Culinary Skill Development 1 using Mammee’s Korean Daebak products. Chef Faizul Hazly, appointed as the Head of the Halal Kitchen which operates in compliance with halal standards set by the Malaysian Islamic Development Department...
SEGi’s website project started in September 2021 as an initiative of the management of SEGi Group of Colleges. The project was developed to upgrade the existing SGC website by introducing some new features such as an e-commerce platform, an interactive landing page, and a student and corporate services community page, amongst other services. The SGC...
SEGI College organised a webinar on 19 March 2022 to share some techniques with teachers and parents to address the dilemmas faced by parents of young children during the COVID-19. The webinar was entitled “Teacher-Parent Collaboration Techniques During Covid-19: Early Childhood Webinar”. The webinar was held from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm via Zoom, organised...
With innovative co-creation and technologies from Industry 4.0, the world is changing the perception of tourism and the business sectors around it. Within this next industrial revolution, the travel industry must figure out how to leverage these new technologies to make the most of the possibilities. Realising the importance of IR 4.0 in the travel...
Acquiring adequate work experience in college gives graduates a considerable edge over those who have never worked before. SEGi College Penang’s Bachelor of Early Years Education programme provides the opportunity for students to do have this advantage over their competitors who are after the same job. This three-year programme in collaboration with the University of...
Today, digital video is highly common among businesses. It will most likely be used to revolutionize the way businesses teach their personnel. Over 2.6 billion people use YouTube every month, according to Statista 2022. YouTube is thought to be one of Malaysia’s most popular social media sites. Many studies have indicated that youths are the...
In a wonderful joint initiative by our Faculty of Engineering, SEGi Group of Colleges has introduced a unique learning technique for the management of risk which we have developed in collaboration with our partner, the University of Sunderland. Following this great milestone, we recently conducted a guest lecture for our students taking the subject Professional...
SEGi College Penang held its 20th convocation on 20 May 2022 at the SPICE Convention Centre, Penang. Three hundred and five students across twelve programmes from two institutions (SEGi College Penang and the University of Greenwich) received their scrolls, of which total of seventy-one were first-class-honours achievers. This translates into one in four graduates (23%)...
In a recent unpublished study by the VIA Institute on Character, nine thousand people were asked which character strength they wished for to help increase their mental strength. The results show the top five strengths people wish to have. 1: Self-Regulation People want more self-control. During uncertain times, having more control of our feelings, actions,...
SEGi College Penang recently organised a project to plan and organise a 3D model of a miniature kindergarten to allow our Early-Childhood students to unleash their creativity and innovative skills in establishing enabling learning environments for children in their early years. The students made their presentations to their audience of educators and Early-Childhood ppractitioners  on...
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