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The financial services industry has made tremendous progress in money laundering detection and prevention during the last few years. However, they remain susceptible to abuse by criminal groups for laundering unlawfully acquired income and cash intended to fuel terrorist actions. In addition, the financial services industry will face reputational hazards, which might result in difficulty...
Tourist plays a pivotal role in the global economy, connecting people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Yet, when tourists engage in inappropriate or disrespectful behaviour, it can have far-reaching social consequences on the local communities they visit. A recent viral news featuring photographs of a woman strolling through Kota Kinabalu in a bikini, with her...
Globalisation has raised the risk of financial crimes, which seriously threaten enterprises’ commercial operations. Consequently, the requirement to reduce risk using all available methods has also increased. Money laundering is a global issue that financial institutions, especially those in the banking sector, are becoming increasingly concerned about because it can undermine them and expose them...
The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting everyone super excited. Many are imagining how AI will be able to assist or even simplify their everyday activities. Computer scientists all around the World are racing to produce the best algorithm to aid humans in their daily chores. It was eye-opening when China held the recent...
AI and Turnitin are two technologies that can combat plagiarism in education. AI, or artificial intelligence, is a form of intelligent agents, which are systems that can reason, learn, and act autonomously. Turnitin is a plagiarism detection service that helps educators to identify and prevent plagiarism in student work.   AI can be used to...
Every student aspires to secure a promising job and a bright future after completing their studies. However, even seasoned and experienced professionals can find the process of landing employment to be a formidable challenge. In a competitive field like Computing and IT, having a well-curated portfolio sets a student apart from other students who may...
In the bustling world of the hospitality industry, a hotel’s reputation largely hinges on the experience it offers to guests. While numerous elements contribute to this experience, one of the most critical is housekeeping. Cleanliness and order are non-negotiable in the hotel industry, and a misstep in this department can have a significant impact on...
Conducting research is a multifaceted task that demands precision and dedication. To ensure that research is both meaningful and valuable, we propose a framework that focuses on four fundamental principles: Beginning with a clear problem Identifying knowledge gaps Formulating specific questions Continuous learning and skill development A fundamental step in research is defining the problem...
In the dynamic realm of technology, where scientific discoveries are driven by mountains of data, the fusion of biology and computational science, has given birth to bioinformatics. This field utilises powerful hardware accelerators such as GPUs and FPGAs to process vast volumes of data efficiently. However, there’s a significant challenge: the efficient flow of data...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term that has become a household name in the era of intelligent systems. AI has found widespread use across various industries, including healthcare, finance, transportation, and manufacturing. But do we truly understand what AI is? The concept of AI was first formulated by American computer scientist John McCarthy in 1955....

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