Navigating the Research Journey: My Methodological Insights

Conducting research is a multifaceted task that demands precision and dedication. To ensure that research is both meaningful and valuable, we propose a framework that focuses on four fundamental principles:

  • Beginning with a clear problem
  • Identifying knowledge gaps
  • Formulating specific questions
  • Continuous learning and skill development

A fundamental step in research is defining the problem to be addressed. Without a well-defined problem, research can lack direction and purpose. By starting with a precise problem statement, the research gains clarity and purpose, establishing a solid foundation for the entire research process.

Recognising gaps in current knowledge is crucial. This includes an extensive review of existing literature, active engagement with experts, and participation in relevant conferences. Engaging with the existing knowledge enriches understanding and reveals opportunities for new contributions. Identifying these gaps ensures that research has a clear purpose and can advance the field.

In order to maintain focus and purpose, it is essential to formulate specific research questions. These questions guide the research, ensuring clarity and relevance throughout the process. Precise research questions serve as a roadmap, keeping the research on track.

In the rapidly evolving world of research, continuous learning and skill development are indispensable. Staying updated with emerging technologies and methodologies is vital. This commitment enables researchers to adapt to new challenges, explore innovative approaches, and maintain a diverse skill set. A broad skill set allows for more profound investigations and comprehensive analyses, thereby enhancing the quality and impact of the research.

In conclusion, this framework emphasises four key principles for conducting research. It commences with a well-defined problem, proceeds to identify knowledge gaps, advances with precise research questions, and thrives through continuous learning and skill enhancement. By adhering to these principles, researchers can embark on their research journey with clarity and determination, ultimately contributing to knowledge and society in a meaningful and impactful manner.

About the Author:


Lecturer (IT), Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment & Information Technology, SEGi College Penang

Aqilah Syahirah, hailing from Kepala Batas, is a dedicated member of the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment & Information Technology at SEGi College Penang. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in computer science from the Universiti Sains Malaysia and is currently pursuing a Master’s in AI, specialising in knowledge engineering and data mining. With experience as a teaching assistant at her alma mater and as a data annotator, Aqilah has been continuously honing her expertise in the field. Her passion lies in utilising AI to extract valuable insights from data, and she is committed to making significant contributions to the ever-evolving realm of artificial intelligence. Aqilah firmly believes in the transformative power of education and the written word, and she enthusiastically shares her knowledge and stories with her students and fellow enthusiasts.


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