What Our Experts Say?


There is a saying: “Programmers do a lot of copy-pasting. A good programmer is the one who knows to use Google well.” The statement above is indeed very true. Let’s look at the following example: In a Python programming lesson, the lecturer assigned a student to find the factorial of a given number. The student...
SEGi College Sarawak recently welcomed Mr. Simon Tiong Kung Kiet, Director of Cybersecurity Management at Sarawak Information System Sdn. Bhd. (SAINS), for an enlightening visit. Mr. Simon’s expertise in information technology and cybersecurity made his visit a valuable opportunity for faculty members and students alike to gain industry insights and understanding. As a prominent figure...
Students pursuing the Diploma in Information Technology and Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Science at SEGi College Sarawak recently embarked on an enriching educational journey to the 27th World Congress on Innovation & Technology 2023, alongside the 6th International Digital Economy Conference Sarawak 2023, hosted at the Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK). Guided by...
Film appreciation is an essential aspect of a Diploma in Mass Communication, and students often delve deep into the world of cinema to understand the intricacies of storytelling and the art of filmmaking. Recently, students in this programme had a unique opportunity for an outdoor class, where they embarked on a cinematic journey to appreciate...
The inaugural TechieMedia Conference 2023 held at SEGi College Sarawak marked a significant milestone, providing a platform for students to exhibit their creative works, projects, and final-year research. Held under the theme of “Innovation” aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 9 (SDG 9) that emphasises the creation of resilient infrastructure and fostering sustainable...
The Sarawak Government has a highly aggressive ambition in terms of digital transformation to develop Sarawak’s e-commerce business. Especially in Kuching, we will see a significant increase in the adoption of Sarawak Pay as the federal and state governments work to encourage a paperless and digital society. The extensive internet connectivity, particularly in urban regions,...
In a world where information is at our fingertips and technology has revolutionised how we communicate and access knowledge, it is perplexing to witness the rise of a new trend – aliteracy. While we are familiar with the concepts of illiteracy and literacy, aliteracy represents a different challenge altogether. It refers to individuals who possess...
In contemporary society, mental health issues are increasingly prevalent, particularly among college students. The diagnosis of various disorders, including anxiety and depression, is on the rise, as reported by The Star (2021). Consequently, counselling services within colleges must cultivate an environment that is not only welcoming and safe but also confidential, allowing students to address...
Teaching is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding professions, driven by a deep desire to shape young minds and make a positive impact. However, amidst the demands of the classroom, it’s easy for educators to neglect their well-being. In this article, we delve into the importance of self-care for teachers and offer practical strategies to...
At SEGi College Sarawak, the concept of learning extends far beyond the confines of the traditional classroom setting, particularly for culinary arts students. It’s an acknowledgement that real education goes beyond textbooks and lectures. Instead, it delves into the realms of taste, smell, sight, sound, and touch, allowing students to experience and comprehend their subject...
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