
Exposure to Public Gold company & its subsidiaries

18th February 2022  9:00am to 1:00pm Organised by: Segian Care Club, Segi College Penang We recently had an online session with about 45 students from Segian Care (Ms Patricia Wee & Ms Ong Siew Ling), Sunderland (under Dr Balu & Ms Izreen) and Alumni Clubs. The participants were students taking the Diploma in Business Administration...

Future of Occupational Safety and Health: manufacturing industry

A webinar entitled “The Future of Occupational Safety and Health: Manufacturing Industry” was organised by the School of Allied Health and Sciences of SEGi College Penang in January 2022. It was streamed on 7th January and discussed the future of occupational safety and health (OSH), focusing on the manufacturing industry. The objective of this webinar...

Cross-curricular integration methodologies: bringing industry into the classroom

Cross-curricular instruction is an approach for educators to combine several educational fields into one. Interdisciplinary learning is another term for it. The many school topics are but a little component of a broader puzzle. They can all fit together to form the giant educational puzzle.  SEGi Group of Colleges’ lecturers is brought together to organise...

Is IR4.0 important for graduates?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) transforms the way we live, work, and interact from self-driving vehicles to drone delivery. As artificial intelligence takes up more and more work, what will today’s students do to remain competitive in the future Job Market?  Automation and artificial intelligence are 4IR changes that make some staff classes obsolete, replace...

SEGI venturing into E-Sport industry: the first college in Northern Region

SEGi College Penang has taken another major step into venturing E-Sport Industry. With the main objective of promoting healthy and competitive gaming within campus environment, SEGI College Penang collaborated with major players in E-Sport and ICT industry such as Magnus, Ed-Tech Resources, Illegear, Imperion, Razer, Riot Games, Trinity and Phidisk. These players have sponsored the...

2nd Annual Research Discussion Panel

The University of Greenwich with SEGi Group of Colleges held the 2nd Annual Research Discussion Panel on January 28, 2022, at 9.00 a.m. (London) / 5.00 p.m. (KL). Microsoft Teams was used to host the research panel discussion. Four panels presented their perspectives and thoughts on research planning for Bachelor of Arts (HONS) in Early...
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