
Building resilience during difficult times

Moving into the New Year 2021, the uncertainty of local COVID-19 cases reducing brought the country to a state of second lockdown in targeted states. The impact of the second lockdown have been speculated to be more on economic sectors and businesses in the country. The question we often ask is how do we get...

Although learning through online, the relationship between students and lecturers is inseparable in SEGi College Penang

Things are a lot different now from what they were before the COVID-19 came along over a year ago and reared its ugly monstrous head, forcing us all to change the way we think and live, the way we work and learn. But one thing that hasn’t changed, nor ever will, is our commitment to our students...

Montessori education – lifelong education

School of Education and Languages in SEGi College Penang always exposes early childhood education students to the latest trend. During the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, the school conducted webinars regarding online storytelling, digital classroom, etc. However, we did not lose sight of the hands-on approach which plays a crucial part in adult and young children...


It is very challenging nowadays to get jobs especially since the need for a specialist in the field is growing. Most of the industry preferred to hire someone with certification (proof) rather than someone with no certification. Knowing this demand, SEGi College Penang collaborates with IME Technology Penang (SOLIDWORKS reseller in Penang) to provide SOLIDWORKS...

SEGi venturing into E-Sports Industry: the first college in Northern Region

SEGi College Penang has taken another major step into venturing E-Sports Industry in 2020. With the main objective of promoting healthy and competitive gaming within campus environment, SEGI College Penang collaborated with major players in E-Sport and ICT industry such as Magnus, Ed-Tech Resources, Illegear, Imperion, Razer, Riot Games, Trinity and Phidisk. These players have sponsored...

Starting 2021 with a positive attitude: How to?

The challenges of 2020 may have put some of us with great expectations to a grinding halt. The world changed and the way we carry out our daily lives has too. Some of the changes will even become permanent. As difficult as this pandemic has been for people, we must continue to believe we will...
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