By Daksayani Ganeson, Lecturer, School of Education, MPU and Language When was the last time I stood in front of an audience to speak English? I had to memorize what I needed to say, I felt nervous and my voice was shaky! I scanned through the room to see if anyone liked my presentation, looking...
By Jayatheswary A/P Parnealsivam, Lecturer, School of Allied Health Sciences Introduction A medical laboratory technologist (MLT) is a profession listed under the Allied Health Science (AHS) group. This profession is not well known among the general public because many of the tasks performed are done behind the scenes. Medical laboratory technologists are the backbone of...
By Norhaslinda Jamaluddin, Lecturer, School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts The tourism and hospitality industry will continue to face an unparalleled level of trials during the coronavirus pandemic in 2021 and, success will depend on how its stakeholders, for instance, companies and individual properties, react and adapt to the situation. For Malaysia, the Ministry...
By Nurul Nurhabibi Hijazi, Lecturer, School of Education, MPU & Language What is 21st-Century Learning? Students nowadays spend their lives in a variety of media because they have been surrounded by it all their lives. This is due to world changes at an unprecedented rate. Educators are continually faced with new challenges in order to...
The twenty-first century dawned upon us all with much promise and expectation. It was supposed to have been the dawn of an era of amazing technology and incredible human advancement. And in many ways, it has been. It was all going nicely, actually, until the COVID-19 came along in 2019 and struck fear into all...
By Nesamalar A/P Damalingam, Lecturer, School of Creative Art & Design “What is the difference between graphic design and digital design?” This is a question that many students interested in design often ask. Although both graphic and digital design are founded on the same fundamental knowledge and principles, graphic designers lack the digital skills which...
By Siti Marlina Saleh, Lecturer, School of Allied Health Sciences Blood Group Do you know your blood group? Some people are A positive, some are A negative and so on. The “A blood” group refers to ABO blood grouping while the positive and negative refers to Rhesus blood grouping. You are Rhesus positive when u...
As we enter full swing into the year 2021, still reeling from and reacting to the most ubiquitous and unrelenting pandemic the world has ever seen, many of you might be feeling concerned, and even apprehensive, about your future and what it holds. Yes, many people have lost their jobs, or at least look as...
By Vijayasekar A/L Paramasivam, Senior Lecturer cum Programme Leader, School of Business Equity crowdfunding (ECF) is a new and smart way to raise funds. Critics used to say that these platforms were considered as “flop”, failed techniques or “exclusive” only for technology and high-end companies. They are wrong, of course, for its advantages are quite...
Whether if you are looking for a short course or an accredited diploma, we’ve got something for everyone. The best part is, our part-time courses listed here are on a flexible learning basis; making it more easier for you to complete your studies while balancing your work, study and family life. Our collaboration with world-renowned...