Past Events


SEGi College Kuala Lumpur’s School of Business and Accounting recently organised a Financial Planning Day in collaboration with Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB). This commendable initiative was led by Economic and Finance lecturer Mohd. Hairizal Harun and co-supported by Marketing Senior Lecturer S. Rishikumar. The event aimed to equip students with essential financial literacy skills and...
SEGi College Kuala Lumpur recently hosted an impactful event aimed at promoting awareness on the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” (3R) concept among its students. Organised by the AHN Committee, the event brought together 27 participants, reflecting SEGi’s dedication to fostering sustainable practices and environmental responsibility. The event featured an engaging talk by a representative from the...
Article By S.Rishikumar. SEGi proudly welcomed the silver chariot procession as part of the Thaipusam Celebration 2024. The event, meticulously organised by the School of Business and Accounting (SOBA) in collaboration with the Indian Cultural Society (ICS) at Kuala Lumpur, brought together students, lecturers, and alumni in a harmonious celebration of diversity. The primary objectives...
On 3 August 2023, SEGi’s School of Computing and Information Technology (SOCIT) orchestrated a comprehensive workshop on computer networking. The four-hour immersive session unfolded on the campus premises, designed to offer participants hands-on experience and invaluable insights into computer networking. Sathish Sarma, an esteemed IT lecturer at SEGi, facilitated the workshop.  This workshop delved deep...
