
Handling New Age Lifestyle Disorders

We have all heard of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure being branded as the classic lifestyle disorders but the technology-driven age has not only upped the statistics on these...
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National Outstanding Educator Award 2019

Date: 25 May 2019 Congratulations Associate Professor Dr. Rebecca Wong Shin Yee, on your outstanding achievements and on being named as one of the finalist recipients for the National Outstanding...
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Why you should consider a degree in IT?

We know the demand for Information Technology (IT) specialists has existed for decades. There may have been a sudden slump in between but the discovery of social apps, artificial intelligence...
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Launching Ceremony & Cultural Day at the Confucius Institute

Date: 16 May 2019 Launching Ceremony & Cultural Day at the Confucius Institute on 16 May 2019, featuring different aspects of the Chinese community such as art, tea, games, display...
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A total of 12 peer counsellors, 5 student volunteers and 4 registered counsellors (staff) joined a community service programme at Kairos Resources on 15 May 2019, to provide first-hand exposure...
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Top 5 Advantages of Online Learning VS Classroom & Blended Learning

Learning has evolved in many ways. In a world where information is available in excess, the Internet today, has become a popular teaching aid so much so that classrooms are...
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Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence(AI)

Date: 14 May 2019 Signed, sealed, delivered! Proud to announce that SEGi University & MIMOS have come together to establish the Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence(AI). This Centre aims...
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Pursue Your Professional Study At Your Own PACE

In a job market as competitive as today’s, a working professional who is seeking a higher salary, getting a promotion, landing a management position, developing a strong professional network, becoming...
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The Importance of Postgraduate Degree, and Why It Only Took a PhD Thesis to Create Google

In 1995, two young PhD candidates met, developed a research thesis and created the world’s most profitable and most popular search engine. Those two PhD candidates were Sergey Brin and...
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Tiga Langkah Untuk Memotivasikan Diri Dalam e-Pembelajaran / Online Learning

Globalisasi membawa perubahan teknologi kepada masyarakat. Ledakan maklumat dan keupayaan teknologi terutamanya kuasa digital dan pengkomputeran telah menukar sistem pendidikan dan teori pembelajaran. Kini, konsep universiti maya menyediakan persekitaran pembelajaran...
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