Handling New Age Lifestyle Disorders

We have all heard of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure being branded as the classic lifestyle disorders but the technology-driven age has not only upped the statistics on these diseases but also introduced a host of new problems stemming from the choices we make today.

Food habits and the environment aside, we are faced with a higher level of work-life stress and a grander occurrence of mental health problems like depression, generalised anxiety, and sleeping problems. In addition to this, there are also new lifestyle issues like repetitive motion or strain injury (RMI/RSI), hearing and vision related issues.

Not too long ago, terms such as blackberry thumb and laptop necks begin emerging on social media but most of them were tagged under existing medical conditions such as RMI/RSI. Some surveys were also carried out to determine its cause and effects.

One survey done by the Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research in 2017 showed that there was a growing need for intervention to reduce the risks of computer overuse syndrome particularly for those who use computer over 40 hours a week, as it was resulting in RSIs such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, rotator cuff problems and muscle strains.

Another relatable literature review done by a clinical researcher at the Black Dog Institute, (Online Social Networking and Mental Health published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine in 2017) discovered a link between the use of social media and depression or generalised anxiety.

It comes as no surprise if our new age lifestyle choices, ranging from food to working style and sleeping patterns, become the very bane of our existence but we also understand that we cannot really stop the trend from growing. With growing concerns such as these, there will inevitably be a pressing need to prepare a future pool of health care graduates with relevant knowledge and skills that will empower them to find suitable solutions to these issues.

As a primary teaching institutions, SEGi has always been committed in grooming a pool nurturing, caring medical and health industry practitioners who will be able to tackle the challenges of the 21st century as the world of healthcare becomes more complex and expensive due to the rising cost of living.

Whether it’s adapting to the rising culture of preventive medicine or exploring the path of research science in medicine and biomedical, we ensure that our students are always on the ball with structured and strategic learning methods.

SEGi is uniquely positioned to do this as it provides equal emphasis on practical exposure by exposing our students to clinical-centric learning early on during their study years and empowering them through talks, seminars, and industry engagement programmes that keep them in the trend.

Our students have always been fond of our teaching methodology and learning environment that pushes for both academic and industrial excellence ensuring that our graduates are future-ready.

SEGi’s Faculty of Medicine offers Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) as well as Bachelor of Biomedical Science (BBMS). Visit www.segiuniversity.edu.my or contact 03-6145 1777, 011-12106389, 1-800 88 7344 to find out more.