Exploring the depths of the mind: Unveiling the power of Psychology Workshops at SEGi

In the intricate tapestry of human existence, the mind remains a vast realm of uncharted territories. Psychology, the study of behavior and mental processes, offers a glimpse into the labyrinth of thoughts, emotions, and motivations that shape our lives. In the pursuit of self-discovery and personal growth, psychology workshops have emerged as transformative platforms, guiding individuals toward a deeper understanding of themselves and others.

Seventy secondary school counselling teachers from the Majlis Guru Kaunseling Kebangsaan (MGKK) were invited to attend a Psychology Workshop at SEGi University. The workshop aimed to aid secondary school counsellors in understanding the importance of their roles both as counselling teachers and as individuals better. 

 The speaker for the talk was Psychology Lecturer Yeoh Sun Wei, who shared insights on how to inspire and potentially change the lives of students as well as how one may reconcile their different roles in life to find who they truly are. She also introduced programmes available at SEGi for those interested in furthering their academic pursuits.  

Positive feedback was obtained from the attendees, with most feeling satisfied with the workshop and like they gained valuable knowledge and  perspective to be applied in their professions and life.




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