SEGi’s mind-opening webinar explores psychology’s depth and opportunities 

SEGi College Subang Jaya orchestrated an enlightening virtual event that transcended boundaries. Titled ‘Psychologists: Read Minds? Treat ‘Crazy’ People? Make No Money?’, this thought-provoking webinar seamlessly blended the realms of perception and reality. The platform, a synergy of Facebook Live and Zoom meetings, attracted an enthusiastic audience. 

Wan Mun Chian, SEGi’s psychology lecturer, elevated the discourse with his robust insights. Beyond his academic role, Wan’s credentials as a certified HRDCorp trainer and licensed counsellor added a practical dimension to his perspectives. 

The session, moderated by fellow psychology scholar Khugaan, infused the discussion with relatability. Beyond mere myth-busting, Wan unveiled the intricate layers of psychology, offering attendees a holistic view of subjects studied and diverse career trajectories. 

The event not only debunked the ‘mind-reading’ and ‘crazy’ stereotypes associated with psychologists but also highlighted the expansive opportunities the field offers. The impact resonated among participants, sparking a newfound appreciation for psychology’s depth and potential. Feedback poured in, underlining the significance of dispelling myths and forging unexplored career pathways. 

As we dive deeper, statistics underscore the webinar’s importance. According to the American Psychological Association, psychology-related professions are projected to grow by 14% from 2018 to 2028. This growth reflects an increasing demand for mental health services, organisational consultation, and more. Wan’s insights align with this trend, showcasing the dynamism of the field. 

SEGi College Subang Jaya, in its relentless pursuit of transformative education, continues to spearhead such enlightening conversations. For further insights into SEGi’s trailblazing initiatives, visit SEGi’s Official Website – 


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