
Work-based learning to replace traditional exam-based in Media, Arts and Design programmes

SEGi College Subang Jaya is very happy to announce that we’ve decided to take exams out of the equation for our Media, Arts and Design programmes. SEGi College is dedicated to producing students who crave creative excellence. So we made this shift to work-based learning because we believe that exam-based learning doesn’t boost creativity in...

SEGi College School of MPU & Languages hosts flood-safety webinar in response to recent floods in Malaysia

In the first week of March this year, rain that went on for three days flooded many parts of Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Melaka. This followed the floods that also happened in December 2021 and January this year. Needless to say, floods are traumatic. They cause damage to property, sometimes destroying entire homes,...

IoUSW – A new articulation pathway for SEGi Diploma in Music graduates

Let the music play – that is the common consensus. And the majority of us knows the value of music. SEGi is one institution that recognises and applauds musical talent and strives to bring more and more opportunities to spur our musicians on and showcase their talents. In this effort, we have created even greater...

SEGi announces new MPU (Mata Pengajian Umum) courses for 21st-century challenges

SEGi College Subang Jaya is very happy to announce new and exciting MPU (Mata Pengajian Umum) courses to better train our students to face and conquer 21st-century challenges. While it is certainly true that a solid education in any field such as the ones we offer at SEGi College Subang Jaya will prepare students for...

SEGi Faculty of Education plays critical role in the Malaysian early-childhood care and education scene

On 19 March 2022 9am, Carolyn Choo, Head of Academic Affairs and previous head of the Faculty of Education, attended the 12th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Early Childhood Care and Education Council (ECCE Council) where she presented the Annual Report of the organisation as the honorary secretary. One of the items raised in...

SEGi Faculty of Business works with key opinion leader (KOL) agency to train students on livestreaming

SEGi is always committed to making our graduates industry-ready.  One of our initiatives is to bring industry into our classrooms where industry experts meet academicians to design assessments for students to have hands-on experience in the real business world. On 16 March 2022, SEGi diploma students attended a sharing session by Mr Jerry Hang, the...
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