SEGi’s Malaysia Day Celebration connects Students to Sarawak’s Heritage

In celebration of Malaysia Day, Laura Chuan from the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences at SEGi organised a captivating field trip for her Year 3 Diploma in Early Childhood Education students. The trip aimed to provide students with an opportunity to explore their cultural heritage as Malaysians and Sarawakians. On the 14 September, just two days before Malaysia Day, the students visited the James Brookes Museum and Chinese Heritage Museum. 

Located within Fort Margherita, the James Brookes Museum showcased the remarkable life and times of Sir James Brooke, the first White Rajah of Sarawak. Students had the chance to delve into Sarawak’s history and gain a deeper understanding of the region’s cultural significance. 

The Chinese Heritage Museum, situated in the heart of Kuching city, offered a fascinating glimpse into the lives of the Chinese community in Sarawak. This immersive experience allowed students to appreciate the diverse cultural tapestry that makes up Sarawak’s heritage. 

The students, hailing from various parts of Sarawak, were enthralled by the opportunity to learn more about their state’s history and culture. As they explored the museums, they began to develop a newfound appreciation for their own heritage. 

Reflecting on the field trip, one student expressed their astonishment, saying, “I never knew that there was so much to learn about Sarawak’s history and heritage. Visiting these museums has given me a new appreciation for my family background and where my ancestors truly came from.” 

The field trip served as a revelation for many students, fostering a deeper connection to their roots and instilling a sense of pride in Sarawak’s rich diversity, culture, and history. These experiences contribute to the holistic education provided by SEGi, where students are encouraged to embrace and celebrate their unique heritage. 

SEGi recognises the importance of preserving cultural heritage and promoting a sense of identity among its students. By organising meaningful field trips like this, SEGi continues to nurture well-rounded individuals who appreciate and respect their cultural roots. 

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