By Mr Rudy Ujang, Programme Leader, Faculty of Business, Accounting & IT.
SEGi Sarawak’s students from the Faculty of Business, Accountancy and IT, accompanied by their Programme Leader, Mr Rudy Ujang, attended the closing ceremony of the Introductory Jombola Coaching and Technical Course for Sarawak 2022 at the Pandelela Rinong Aquatic Centre, Petra Jaya, Kuching, on 31 July 2022.
The ceremony was officiated by YB Kennedy Chuk Pai Ugon, the President of the Jombola Association of Sarawak. The coaching and technical course was attended by a total of fifty-three participants from across Sarawak.
Jombola is a Malaysian homegrown racquet sport inspired by the combined skill sets of tennis, table tennis and badminton. It can be played indoor or outdoor badminton courts. The net height is reduced by 9” from badminton’s, making it 4’ 4”. It is both ‘high performance’ for serious competition, and a ‘mass sport’ for lifestyle and exercise. In laymen terms, Jombola is basically tennis played in a badminton court with a lighter ball and smaller racquet.

It is hoped that this sport will gather significant public interest in the near future as Jombola has the potential to be a watchable, fast-paced game like badminton. Moving forward, SEGi College Sarawak students are welcome to further try out the sport at the Sarawak Lawn Bowls Arena once the setup is ready.