Education 4.0: the way forward for studying Early Childhood Education programme at SEGi College Penang

In order to prepare future graduates for work, universities and colleges must align their teaching and processes with technological advancements.  In the new millennium, technology began to infiltrate the education process, and both students and lecturers started to utilize technology in basic ways (otherwise known as Education 2.0). As this technology advanced, including the mass infiltration of a more user-generated internet, Education 3.0 was formed.  The emergence of industrial 4.0 have move the Education 3.0 to Education 4.0 which requires the future workforce in tandem on industrial automation in regard to Artificial Intelligence, Internet of things and big data analytic.

Students now had their own access to information, the option to learn virtually, and platforms to easily connect with faculty and other students. Education was no longer centered upon a back and forth between students and teachers, but instead took on a more networked approach, with students having their own direct connection to a variety of different information sources. The recent Covid-19 pandemic have speed up the process of the needs to ensure the education system are supported through technological means for students’ learning. At such, SEGi College Penang was one of the college that are quick to respond on the needs and jump into exploring and invested in using learning to offer to our students and ensure they are supported during the lockdown.

What set apart for the early childhood education taught at SEGi College Penang is not only the learning materials are uploaded online in the students’ learning management system known as Blackboard. Lecturers have conducted synchronous teaching in the form of virtual class according the allocated students timetable. As such, the lesson can resume as like how a normal face to face lesson conducted amidst the lockdown taken place. The lesson was further recorded and uploaded in the Blackboard. This learning further reinforce their learning should they miss out the lesson or need further revision by replaying the recorded lesson. Asynchronous learning taken place with recorded lesson, additional reading materials or forum and discussion are conducted through Blackboard. Furthermore, assessment such as assignment and exam are all done through online. With such the integration of both asynchronous and synchronous learning that forms part of blended learning versus the conventional or full online learning.  SEGi College have adopted this blended learning model as best practice will continue and improved further even when the pandemic is over.

Students taking Diploma in Early Childhood programme and Bachelor Degree in Early Years Education are quick to be supported by our dedicated staff on delivering through online platform. Since the inception of the Movement Control Order on March 2020, our academic staff are quick to explore out various method on using video conferencing platform and other educational web tools and applications. As such any new students enrolled for the diploma or degree programme doesn’t have to wait and delay their studies at SEGi College Penang. At the same time our existing students doesn’t have to delay and able to complete their studies on time as well. Let’s begin your journey now by taking our programme to be future an early childhood educator without further delay.

Tutorial lesson are conducted online by our academic with our students from Bachelor Degree in Early Years Education.

Usage of different learning platform such as Webex with our Diploma in Early Childhood Education students during one of their lesson.

Physical learning session taken in place at SEGi College Penang Mock Playroom by adhering to SOP for social distancing with a small group of students.


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