April 2021


By Nurul Natasya Binti Md Drus, Lecturer, School of Allied Health Sciences Some people might misunderstand that the word “housekeeping” means only cleaning floors or removing dust. In the workplace, housekeeping means ensuring that the workplace is safe also. Housekeeping helps in preventing injuries and improving productivity. Every worker must play a role in housekeeping,...
By Gayathri A/P Krishnan, Lecturer, School of Education, MPU and Language Communication skills refer to the ability to know the behaviour and personality of others and also how to handle others in the workplace. Communication skills are crucial skills that employees require. It plays an important role for employees as they can get success with...
By Rishikumar A/L Selvadurai, Senior Lecturer, School of Business One of the benefits of the Internet is that business owners, regardless of the size and nature of the business, can now reach a large group of potential customers almost instantly, at little to no cost. As technology started to evolve and the use of the...
By Ainul Haliza Binti Abdul Hair, Lecturer, School of American Degree Program HOW TO IMPROVE INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION IN THE WORKPLACE You can develop your interpersonal skills by practising good communication and setting goals for improvement. To improve your interpersonal skills, consider the following tips. Figure out what you need to improve. Identify areas of interpersonal...
By Thelagarani A/P M. Murugesu, Senior Lecturer, School of Business Change brings about different perspectives to people in general. Some people consider change as inevitable and embrace change willingly whereas some see it as a challenge that will upset their routine life. In realising the meaning of change, the word change certainly brings about uncertainty....
We’ve often heard that old familiar adage, Safety First. Many people probably don’t pay as much heed to it as they should, but to the rest of us, safety is of primary importance. Because without the assurance of safety, our lives and the lives of those around us are put at risk. And the consequences...
