Students dive into occupational safety at Asteel Sdn Bhd

Students from Semesters 4 and 5 of the Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health (DIOSH) programme were taken on an instructional excursion to Asteel Sdn Bhd, a major steel mill located in the heart of the Demak Laut Industrial Park. The primary goals of the visit were to familiarise the students with the working environment of a steel mill, offer them personal knowledge of industrial safety and health practices, and expose them to the critical concepts of machine protection and safety. 

Students got the opportunity to immerse themselves in the complexity of the steel mill’s operations, led by experienced safety officers, obtaining significant knowledge and insights into the application of safety protocols. During the tour, one of the primary points emphasised was the significance of emergency response preparedness. The safety officers meticulously described the many safety and health applications within the steel mill, ensuring that the students were well-versed in emergency procedures and protocols in the case of an unanticipated disaster. 

The tour also prioritised machine safety. Students were given detailed instructions on operating and maintaining industrial machinery, emphasising the need for protective measures and following safety requirements. The students gained the necessary knowledge to ensure workplace safety in their future employment by comprehending the various hazards associated with heavy machinery. 

The educational visit proved to be an invaluable learning opportunity for the students, bridging the gap between academic knowledge and actual application. The exposure to a real-life steel mill setting not only improved their awareness of safety and health practices but also let them see firsthand the intricacies and obstacles involved in establishing a safe working environment. 

“The trip was an eye-opening experience for all of us,” one of the kids who took part stated. “We could see the value of proper safety protocols and how they are implemented in a real-world industrial setting.” It has surely increased our respect for occupational safety and health specialists.” 

When the students returned from their trip, they had a fresh feeling of duty and dedication to workplace safety. These prospective safety officers, armed with vital knowledge and experiences obtained from the tour, are set to significantly affect their respective professions, contributing to the overall improvement of occupational safety and health practices in the industry. 

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