
Being a Chartered Accountant in Malaysia

By Vincent Cheong, Lecturer, Faculty of Business & Accounting  In order to become a qualified accountant in Malaysia, a student must obtain a professional accountancy qualification (e.g. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants [ACCA], Chartered Institute of Management Accountants [CIMA], Certified Practising Accountants Australia [CPA Australia], Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wale [ICAEW], Institute...

A visit to SEGi College Sarawak by Data Solutions Sdn Bhd.

SEGi College Sarawak had the privilege of having employees from Data Solutions Sdn Bhd visiting our college in February this year. Data Solutions Sdn Bhd is a software development company providing premium customised software and business solutions delivered with world-class performance at af­fordable prices. The company is empowered by a leading team of software and...


统考成绩放榜啦!恭喜所有拿到统考成绩的毕业生! 您是否还在为升学规划而烦恼呢?SEGi College Sarawak (砂劳越世纪学院) 即将在来临的 2月7日至19日举办升学咨询周为毕业生提供一对...


“恭喜呀!恭喜!发呀发大财,好运当头,坏运嘛永离开!恭喜呀大家……” 农历新年的脚步又响起了。这是华人社会相当重视的节日,也是友族同胞一起欢庆的假期。今天,世纪学院要和大家分享...

Student Bodies Installation Ceremony 2022

SEGi College Sarawak held its Student Bodies Installation Ceremony 2022 successfully on Wednesday, 26th January 2022. The ceremony marked a transition for the Student Representative Council (SRC) 2021 as they officially handed over the reins to SRC 2022. This ceremony also celebrated the accomplishments of the clubs of SEGi College Sarawak in the past year....

Anatomy & pathology museum visit to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UNIMAS

By Ms Candy Chong, Programme Leader, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences On 21 January 2022, a group of thirty students and two lecturers from SEGi College Sarawak’s Faculty of Allied Health visited the Anatomy and Pathology Museum located at the Faculty of Medicines and Health Science (FMHS), University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). The majority of the...
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