Cross-curricular integration methodologies: bringing industry into the classroom

Cross-curricular instruction is an approach for educators to combine several educational fields into one. Interdisciplinary learning is another term for it. The many school topics are but a little component of a broader puzzle. They can all fit together to form the giant educational puzzle. 

SEGi Group of Colleges’ lecturers is brought together to organise and brainstorm cross-curricular instruction to allow lecturers and and other staff members to gain a better understanding of what they each bring to the table in terms of skills and experiences by working together to enhance their delivery methods. Lecturers are also more likely to produce deeper courses for high-quality instruction across the board by speaking and establishing one another’s experience and talents. 

Not only does this strategy foster collaboration among the lecturers, but it also fosters collaboration among the students. Positive social contacts can lead to more in-depth discussions and the learning of new information. In addition, the concept of teamwork opens the door to fresh discoveries and ideas. Students of SGC can learn to be flexible by maintaining a positive outlook and being open-minded. Students may begin to apply what they have already learned to navigate the new problems of what they are presently studying as they realise that learning is a continuous process. They will discover that everything has a connection. 

As a result, cross-curricular instruction provides students with numerous benefits. It promotes collaboration, fresh discoveries, increased motivation, and a better understanding of the learning process. Students of SGC, who have a better understanding of the learning process, are more likely to become lifelong learners, which is the end goal.  

Students of SGC often lack industry exposure and, in response to the global trends in the virtual learning environment for the new generations, SGC has implemented industry-based assignments in a creative-thinking course. Within the subject of Digital and Service Marketing, given through the Diploma in Digital Marketing programme at SEGi Penang, a fantastic example of cross-curricular education and the concept of bringing the industry into the classroom can be found. Students are encouraged to engage in critical thinking, conversation, and reflection throughout this course.  

During one of the recent sessions, the students were engaged with MAMEE to produce a marketing strategy to establish a new game plan for MAMEE’s upcoming products. The students’ ability to analyse and synthesise information improved dramatically as the subject matter became more relevant. They were able to infer meaning, create comparisons, draw inferences, and make predictions. By learning through this industry collaboration, the gap closed between the real world and the academic environment. Working on challenges drawn from the industry helped to increase the students’ knowledge and get them ready for the real world. 

The students sometimes felt that it was nerve-racking and taxing to be evaluated by industry professionals as opposed to their lecturers when presenting the project outcomes. However, most of them found that it made the project more real and they had lots of fun throughout the learning journey. 

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