All you need to know about the MBA Programme

Since Harvard started the world’s first Master in Business Administration programme (MBA) way back in 1908 with the objective of supplying enterprises with professionally trained executives, an MBA has become an industry standard and symbol of professionalism and expertise. For many companies, an accredited MBA is a prerequisite to fill executive posts. What this means for you is an MBA will help propel your career.

· It provides you with a state-of-the-time knowledge that is needed to meet prevailing knowledge needs in the global knowledge economy
· It equips you with the most current theories and concepts that can be used to address prevailing and future issues in a systematic and in-depth manner
· It prepares you for life-long learning to ensure you are ready and motivated to keep on learning

It must be stated without reservation students do fail in a quality MBA program. Some perform so badly that they are compelled to drop out. The key reasons why include:

1. Students do not attend classes, be it online or offline, regularly – poor attendance
2. Students do not focus on learning when classes are in session – poor attention
3. Students do not do self-study to complement school-studies – poor learning habit
4. Students do not complete their assignments – inadequate marks earned to pass

Given an MBA is a competitive edge towards getting and maintaining a better job, it is always good to have one. If you do not, now is a good time to work towards one. Here are the reasons why.

1. The Covid-19 pandemic is bringing chaos and uncertainty to the global economy. It has resulted in mass retrenchment and unemployment. Those who survive the downsizing and right-sizing are productive people. This means MBA holders are less likely to be retrenched. It is an insurance against tough economic times. This 2020 crisis will not be the last. So be ready for the next. A proven way is to arm yourself with a quality MBA.
2. Many companies have adopted the concept of “work from home”. This semi-flexible system allows employees to adjust and arrange work and study time for maximum productivity, job and study-wise.
3. “Now” is a good time because it is “now”. Further delay is not to your advantage.

So what are you waiting for? Click >>>here<<< to find out more about our MBA programme today!

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