Faculty of Education hosts International Virtual Conference on reimagining early childhood care and education

Reimagining Early Childhood Care & Education: Future Competencies and Children’s Well-Being

Organized by the ECCE Council Malaysia, SEGi College Subang Jaya Faculty of Education hosted and sponsored the Virtual Conference between 26 to 28 of February 2021.

This Conference is held in conjunction with the 10th Anniversary of the ECCE Council Malaysia which was established under the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) to raise the professionalism and quality of the ECCE industry and to act as a link between the government and the industry.

Datuk Dr Chiam Heng Keng, Founding and Current President of ECCE Council Malaysia delivering her opening remarks live from the Broadcasting studio of SEGi College Subang Jaya

The theme, reimagining of early childcare and education (ECCE), is chosen because of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on all levels and types of education, including early childhood care and education. Undoubtedly, the impact of the pandemic is greatest on ECCE owing to the vulnerability of children in their formative years.

All children’s developmental areas – physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development – are affected but the most worrying is children’s socio-emotional well-being. The uncertainty and frequent changes to their routines, restriction in their movements, fear of the coronavirus, tension or even domestic violence in some of the homes affect the mental health of young children in all socio-economic strata.

Deputy Minister of Education Dato’ Dr Mah Hang Soon delivered the opening speech on behalf of Senior Minister of Education, Datuk Mohd. Radzi Bin Md. Jidin at the opening ceremony

Early childhood care and education need to be reimagined or reappraised to meet the changes resulting from the pandemic and to adjust to the new normal. The Conference focuses on 6 main sub-themes:

  1. Developing 21 Century skills
  2. Technology in early childhood
  3. Learning beyond classroom walls
  4. The changing landscape in early childhood pedagogy
  5. Physical and mental health
  6. Reimagining professional development for early childhood educators

The conference features four international experts, who are outstanding in their respective field, for graciously accepting our invitation to speak at the Conference. Their graciousness, in waiving their professional fees, has made it possible for the Conference to be affordable. Since it is virtual, the Conference is now brought to the doorsteps of early childhood educators.

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