14 April: up your audio game with SHURE ft. Mr Lim Meng Wai from SHURE


There are two types of video content creators. One that focuses on the image/visual component of the video, the other that focuses on the audio component of the video. Which one are you?

Did you know that many studies, professionals and viewers have indicated that if the audio element of a video content is not well crafted, it doesn’t matter how good the picture (image/visual) is, people will generally react negatively towards the content. In other words, it doesn’t matter how expensive your camera is, how handsome/pretty the host is, and how beautiful your thousand-ringgit lighting system makes your video look, if your audio is not up to the mark – you have wasted your effort.

Join us on a talk with SHURE, the leader and specialist in providing audio solutions to live performances, theatre and education and learn some tips and tricks to UP your audio game!

You may watch the replay of the Virtual Show  >>here<<

Watch this space and stay tuned as we share more news about the showcase in the coming days!

SEGi Group of Colleges’ “A Talk with SHURE” featuring Mr Lim Meng Wai, Market Development Manager of SHURE Malaysia.
Live on Facebook: SEGi Group of Colleges’ “A Talk with SHURE” featuring Mr Lim Meng Wai, Market Development Manager of SHURE Malaysia.

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