The disturbing trend of children glued to devices during mealtimes

The scene of young children glued to their phones during mealtimes is becoming increasingly common in Malaysia, and it’s a worrying trend. Mealtimes in early childhood offer excellent learning moments, particularly socialisation lessons, but these opportunities are missed when children are distracted by their devices. Family mealtimes are a rich and meaningful environment that allows children to practice verbal and nonverbal communication skills and learn table manners, sharing, patience, and gratitude. 

According to the Ministry of Health Malaysia, early childhood is crucial for developing lifelong habits. Mealtimes are natural and regular times for family members to bond with each other, share stories and experiences, and model healthy eating behaviours and attitudes. 

SEGi College Subang Jaya offers an Integrating Montessori Practice programme, a collaborative programme with Montessori Centre International UK, which includes specific lessons on how children can be encouraged to practice grace and courtesy during mealtimes. 

It’s important for parents to recognise the power of mealtimes in early childhood and to take advantage of these opportunities to teach their children valuable social skills and healthy eating habits. Families can strengthen their relationships and foster emotional well-being by putting away devices and engaging in meaningful conversations. 

Let’s make mealtimes a time for learning, bonding, and healthy habits. Contact SEGi College Subang Jaya for more information on their Integrating Montessori Practice programme and how it can benefit your child’s development. 

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