SEGi Empowers Secondary School Counselling Teachers in Transformative Psychology Workshop

In a commitment to fostering professional growth and personal development, SEGi hosted a Psychology Workshop for seventy secondary school counselling teachers from the Majlis Guru Kaunseling Kebangsaan (MGKK). The workshop, designed to provide valuable insights into the crucial roles of counselling teachers, aimed to empower participants both in their professional capacities and as individuals.

The distinguished speaker for the workshop was Psychology Lecturer Yeoh Sun Wei, who brought a wealth of expertise to the session. Yeoh Sun Wei engaged the audience in a thought-provoking discussion on the significance of their roles as counselling teachers and the impact they can have on the lives of students.

The workshop delved into inspiring strategies and approaches that counselling teachers can employ to make a positive difference in the lives of their students. Yeoh Sun Wei also shared valuable insights on personal identity, encouraging participants to reconcile their various roles in life to discover their true selves.

SEGi remains committed to providing platforms for professional development and knowledge enhancement, ensuring that educators are equipped with the tools and insights necessary to excel in their roles. This workshop stands as a testament to SEGi’s dedication to empowering the education community and contributing to the growth and well-being of individuals within it.

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