Three ways to manage your stress levels

Take a minute to reflect on how you have been feeling for the past few days, in this pandemic. Some people might find it hard to pinpoint what they are feeling, and some might be feeling a mixture of emotions.

Everyone has had to change their routines and interactions and for most students, the change in their routine is very stressful. For instance, students experience changes in their study or workspace and this affects productivity. Some students living in rural areas have lack of resources such as the Internet. Other students might have communication issues with their groupmates when doing online group work. Let’s not forget about the distractions students get from family and social media. These are all sources of stress.

What is stress? Stress is your body’s reaction to a challenge or demand. Stress is also a state you’re in due to lack of control of a situation. It is the very thing that motivates us to take action, avoid danger and meet a deadline. But if it lasts a long time, it can be the boulder that makes us feel helpless, causing all movement to stop abruptly. So, when you are feeling stressed, it’s important to know what you can do about it so that you can continue moving forward effectively.

Let’s face it. Perhaps the most realistic major change due to the quarantine is the change in our daily or sleep schedule. In quarantine, it seems like the day merges with the night, and it’s quite difficult to stick to the usual schedule when you don’t have to get ready for college and drive out. Stress can often interrupt your sleeping pattern and in return, a very messed up sleeping schedule can be a very big source of stress too. One way to help with this is readjusting our body clock. We’ve seen the images on the Internet about people waking up 5 minutes before their classes’ Zoom meetings. It’s time to get back to your normal college day routine, so you’re not a walking zombie when you return to college. Try to keep to a routine and write out your daily log that includes your study-related and personal activities. Break down your tasks down into manageable chunks, planning accordingly and allocating yourself time everyday to relax or socialise online. This will help you to track your time, be more organized and plan out a proper sleep schedule.

Next, talk the stress out. Isolation can have an extremely negative impact on your happiness. Accepting that you need help and talking to someone is often the first step to feeling better. If you are feeling very overwhelmed with school work, text some friends or your course mates and tell them about the problems you are facing. This can help put things in perspective. Ask them what techniques they use to manage stress. Alternatively, make an appointment with our college counsellor. You can talk to our registered counsellor about whatever issues are in your mind.

Last tip is of course, to take care of your health. Your health should always be your number one priority. If you are not in good shape physically, mentally, and emotionally, both your study life and your personal life will suffer. Take care of yourself by eating healthy meals, exercise at least three times per week and sleep a minimum of seven hours per night. These practices relieve stress, raise your energy level, increase your stamina, improve your mental clarity, boost your immune system, and make you a happier, more engaged, and more productive person.

It’s also important to note that everyone copes differently, so one person’s way to manage their stress may be different from the other – and that’s perfectly fine. As long as the end goal is to manage the stress levels and manage our student and personal life in sustainable ways that keep our energy flowing, our minds and bodies healthy and our whole selves happy and content.  Let’s discover more about mental health, stress coping methods and other domains of psychology of human being in our Psychology programme!

For more information on the Diploma of Psychology course here at SEGi College Sarawak, you can visit or have a chat with one of our friendly course counsellors at +608 225 2566 or +6017 859 2566.

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