SEGi College Sarawak recently organised a transformative educational visit to the Kuching High Court, offering students a profound understanding of the Malaysian legal system. The students arrived at the impressive Kuching High Court Complex, filled with anticipation for the valuable insights that awaited them. This visit, aligning with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions), provided an immersive experience that extended beyond the courtroom. 

Upon arrival, the students were guided into a magnificent courtroom by Morsidi Bin Husaini, Assistant Registrar of the Subordinate Courts. The solemn atmosphere, complete with an elevated judge’s bench and witness stand, inspired a deep sense of reverence. Observing a trial in progress, students were captivated by the legal arguments, evidence presentation, and judge’s deliberations, bringing theoretical concepts of law vividly to life. 

Beyond the courtroom, the students explored various divisions of the High Court, including the Civil and Criminal Divisions. This broadened their understanding of the complexities of the legal system and the diverse array of cases it handles. The experience also sparked crucial discussions about criminal justice, individual rights, and ethical considerations in legal decisions, deepening their appreciation for the intricacies of law and justice. 

The visit included a sobering exploration of the court holding cells, where students confronted the stark reality of confinement. This encounter challenged their preconceptions about punishment and highlighted the delicate balance between societal order and individual rights. The holding cells, a temporary limbo for individuals awaiting their fate, left a lasting impression on the students, emphasising the immense power and responsibility of the justice system. 

This educational excursion to the Kuching High Court was more than just a field trip; it was a transformative experience that humanised the legal system. The students left with a newfound curiosity about the law and its profound impact on society. By organising such impactful visits, SEGi demonstrates its commitment to providing high-quality education and fostering a deeper understanding of justice, contributing to the development of well-informed and socially responsible graduates. 

SEGi’s dedication to integrating real-world experiences into its curriculum ensures that its students are academically proficient and socially conscious, ready to make meaningful contributions to their communities. This visit to the Kuching High Court exemplifies SEGi’s mission to promote sustainable development and uphold the principles of justice, reinforcing its reputation as a leader in higher education and community engagement. 

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