Serving the community through Leo Club SEGi College Sarawak

By Mr Vincent Cheong, Lecturer, Faculty of Business, Accounting & IT

SEGi College Sarawak’s Leo Club was chartered on 14 October 2014, sponsored by the Lions’ Club of Kuching Kota Sentosa District 308-A2.  The Leo objective is to provide the youth of the world with an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of the local, national, and international community.

Leo mottos stand for L-eadership, E-xperience and O-pportunity.

From this leadership training, Leo members can acquire the skills as project organisers and motivators of their peers.

Warmest Welcome to New Leo Members Activity Year 2022

Wong King Chien, President of SEGi Leo Club, has been leading her team members efficiently through self-introductions, games, talent shows, and other social interactions. The new Leo members are able to understand the Leo Club programme objectives by sharing our past activities either physically or through virtual online events.

Through this experience, Leo members can discover how teamwork and cooperation bring about change in their community and the world.

Food Charity at Salvation Army Children’s Home Activity Year 2022

SEGi Leo Club also recently organised, in collaboration with three other clubs, to donate breakfast meals, and other forms of food and beverages for random children and other members of the community.  Leos benefit from this joint-collaboration project by experiencing the how importance of teamwork and effective communication with the representative club presidents in terms of task allocation and arrangement of meals, transportation, and other such activities.

Leos get the opportunity to receive recognition for their contributions and develop positive character traits.

E-Certificate awarded for Kindness Rock Project Year 2021

Book Donation and CSR Cleaning at Wishesland for Cerebral-Palsy Children Year 2020

Leo members can contribute either physically or in monetary form to make the community a better place to live.

The Leo Club of SEGi College welcomes all students to join club and participate in our internal and outdoor activities. For more information, please contact Mr Vincent Cheong (Faculty Advisor of Leo Club SEGi College Sarawak).


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