SEGi College Sarawak recently provided its students with an invaluable real-world learning experience at the Riverside Majestic Hotel Kuching. Located in the heart of Kuching’s bustling business, entertainment, dining, and shopping district, the hotel offers a unique opportunity to experience the beauty and hospitality of Sarawak’s capital city. 32 students from the Diploma in Culinary Arts (DICA) and Diploma in Hotel Management (DIHM) programmes explored the hotel with the assistance of talent development assistant Caroline Bangi Baling and her team. 

The day began with an inspiring speech from Andrew Lim, the General Manager, who shared insights into the hospitality industry. The focus of the study trip was on food and beverage operations, allowing students to explore various outlets within the hotel, including the Puteri Lobby Lounge, Majestic Restaurant, and the Sarawak Chamber Ballroom, which can accommodate up to 900 guests. This hands-on exploration gave students a deeper understanding of the complexities and operations of a high-end hotel. 

Following the tour, students had the opportunity to engage with the HR team, asking questions about potential career paths at the Riverside Majestic. This interaction provided them with practical insights into the industry, helping bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world applications. 

Bringing students to such an esteemed hotel is not just a field trip; it is an opportunity for them to learn directly from industry professionals. This experiential learning approach helps students grasp their studies more comprehensively, preparing them for future roles in the hospitality sector. It embodies the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), by equipping students with the skills and knowledge necessary for sustainable careers. 

SEGi’s commitment to integrating practical experiences into its curriculum ensures that its graduates are not only academically proficient but also industry-ready. This visit to the Riverside Majestic Hotel is a testament to SEGi’s dedication to providing quality education that aligns with global standards, fostering a well-rounded and capable workforce for the future. 

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Caroline Bangi Baling and her team for making this visit invaluable to the students. SEGi continues to pave the way for educational excellence, ensuring its students are well-prepared to make meaningful contributions to the hospitality industry and beyond. 

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