SEGi’s Compassionate Crusade: Fighting Poverty with HOPE Place

SEGi College Sarawak’s Faculty of Education and Social Sciences recently witnessed a remarkable display of compassion and social responsibility as second-year students embarked on a charity drive to combat poverty.

Partnering with local nonprofit organization HOPE Place, the students pursuing degrees in Early Years Education from the University of Greenwich organised the “Fight Poverty, Not the Poor” charity drive. This initiative aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 1: No Poverty, reflecting SEGi’s commitment to addressing societal challenges. 

Led by Laura Albert Chuan, programme leader for the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, the collaboration underscores SEGi’s holistic approach to education, emphasizing the importance of nurturing socially responsible individuals alongside academic excellence. 

Highlighting the significance of their efforts, student Joanne Beatrice emphasized that poverty is not merely a lack of resources but also stems from unequal distribution of power and opportunities. By addressing the root causes of poverty, the students aim to enact lasting change and empower individuals and communities to break free from the cycle of poverty. 

This collaborative endeavour underscores SEGi’s dedication to fostering a culture of empathy and social impact among its students. Through initiatives like the “Fight Poverty, Not the Poor” charity drive, SEGi students are actively contributing to building a more equitable society, in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. 

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