SEGi Students Explore Human Anatomy Up Close

SEGi College Sarawak’s Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences orchestrated a transformative educational excursion for 20 students and a lecturer. Venturing to the Anatomy and Pathology Museum at the Faculty of Medicines and Health Science (FMHS), University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), the group delved into the intricate world of anatomical models and organ preservation processes. 

Divided into two groups, students were guided through 11 human body systems by museum staff, exploring the realms of anatomy, physiology, and pathology. The hands-on experience provided invaluable insight into organ structure and function, reinforcing theoretical knowledge with real-life specimens. 

Engaged in interactive discussions led by the lecturer, students applied learned theories to observed specimens, enhancing comprehension and critical thinking skills. The trip culminated in a memorable group photo session, with a token of appreciation presented to museum staff for their invaluable guidance. 

This immersive learning experience not only stimulated student interest but also exemplified SEGi’s commitment to providing holistic education. Through experiential learning opportunities like these, SEGi continues to empower students with practical skills and ignite passion for lifelong learning. 

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