SEGi and Lions Club Unite for Ending Hunger Project

SEGi College Sarawak, in collaboration with the Lion Club of Kota Sentosa and Region 1 District 308-A2 Lions Clubs and Leo Clubs, hosted the Ending Hunger Project. This initiative aligns with SDG 2: Zero Hunger, one of the Lions Clubs International Main Global Causes. The event, held at the Kenyalang Market and Stutong Community Market, saw participation from four SEGi Leo Club representatives, including Faculty Advisor Lion Vincent Cheong, and approximately 70 Lions representatives and Leo members. 

The primary objective of the project was to foster a sense of community and solidarity by engaging local volunteers, organisations, and businesses in the collection, sorting, and distribution of food donations. This initiative aimed to address food insecurity and support vulnerable populations. Kapitan Lion Chong Nam Fah briefed all the Leos on the food donation process before dividing them into groups, ensuring a smooth and efficient collection. 

Throughout the morning, participants diligently collected food donations, which were then meticulously sorted according to items and categories. The collected food was subsequently delivered to various locations, including the Lions Nursing Home, old folks’ homes, and several impoverished families in rural areas. This effort not only provided essential supplies to those in need but also highlighted the importance of community involvement in tackling hunger. 

SEGi’s involvement in the Ending Hunger Project underscores its commitment to social responsibility and community engagement. By partnering with the Lions Club of Kota Sentosa, SEGi demonstrated its dedication to addressing global issues at the local level, fostering a culture of empathy and action among its students and staff. 

According to the World Food Programme, nearly 690 million people globally are hungry, a stark reminder of the urgency to combat food insecurity (World Food Programme, 2021). Initiatives like the Ending Hunger Project are crucial in making a tangible difference in the lives of those affected. The success of this event showcases SEGi’s proactive role in contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly in promoting zero hunger, decent work and economic growth, and partnerships for the goals. 

Participants left the event with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of the impact of their contributions. By connecting students and community members with meaningful volunteer opportunities, SEGi continues to foster a learning environment that emphasises compassion, leadership, and social impact. 

This event is organised in support of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):  

2 Zero Hunger 

8 Decent Work and Economic Growth 

17 Partnerships for the Goals. 

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