Psychology Students Explore Mental Health at Sentosa Hospital

Psychology students from SEGi College Sarawak recently embarked on an immersive educational journey to Sentosa Psychiatric Hospital, offering them a rare glimpse into the real-world application of their studies in Health Psychology. The visit, held on 18 July 2024, included students from all three years of the programme and provided invaluable practical exposure to complement their theoretical learning. 

 The day began with an enthusiastic departure from SEGi at 9:30 AM, setting the stage for an engaging and informative experience. Upon arrival, the students were warmly welcomed by the hospital staff, with a detailed briefing led by Encik Azzizie. His presentation covered the hospital’s history, its critical role in mental health care in Malaysia, and the various treatment methods employed. This session was instrumental in deepening the students’ understanding of mental health treatment, allowing them to connect their classroom knowledge with real-life scenarios. 

One of the visit’s highlights was the tour of the hospital wards, where students were particularly captivated by the forensic ward. This unique experience provided a firsthand look at the intersection of mental health and the legal system, offering insights that go beyond textbook learning. The students observed the daily routines within the ward, gaining a profound understanding of the complexities involved in mental health care. 

 The visit concluded with a group photo and a discussion on potential future collaborations, with many students expressing a strong desire to return and engage further with the patients. The hands-on experience highlighted the critical importance of social interaction in mental health care, both for the patients and for raising awareness among the students. As one student aptly put it, “Interacting with patients provides a profound understanding of mental health issues that textbooks alone cannot offer.” 

This visit not only enhanced the students’ academic journey but also reinforced SEGi’s commitment to producing well-rounded, empathetic mental health professionals. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, SEGi continues to empower its students to make meaningful contributions to society, reflecting the institution’s alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 

 This event is organised in support of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): 

SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-Being) 

SDG 4 (Quality Education) 

SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions) 

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