Building Bonds Across Cultures: SEGi Students Lead by Example

As Malaysia approaches a significant national day, the spirit of unity—muhibbah—shines brightly, reminding us of the sacrifices made by our founding fathers. This deep sense of harmony and goodwill is at the heart of Malaysia’s strength as a multicultural nation. It reflects the beauty of diversity, where different ethnicities and traditions coexist to create a rich cultural tapestry.

For Defenny Leo Lamime, a Sabahan studying at SEGi College Sarawak, muhibbah has shaped her understanding of the country’s cultural wealth. Having grown up enjoying the simple pleasures of nasi lemak and mamak spices in West Malaysia, her move to Kuching for her Diploma in Law further deepened her appreciation for Malaysia’s vibrant diversity. From experiencing Laksa Sarawak to celebrating Gawai Dayak, her friendships with Malay, Chinese, and Iban peers exemplify the spirit of unity that makes Malaysia unique.

Esther Jupong, an ethnic Iban student who grew up in Brunei Darussalam, shared how SEGi College Sarawak became a reflection of Malaysia’s multicultural society. Working on group projects and participating in social events, she experienced firsthand the power of collaboration across diverse backgrounds. These interactions taught her the importance of muhibbah, fostering a sense of pride and unity in being part of a nation that embraces such diversity.

For Sarawakian Malay student Dayangku Sahira Izzati, studying at SEGi University was an opportunity to truly understand the concept of Anak Malaysia—a shared national identity. She believes that the next generation of Malaysians must carry forward the values of respect and collaboration, learned through initiatives and activities that nurture unity.

Flora Ling, a student from Sibu, also shared how her time at SEGi College opened her eyes to new cultures and lifelong friendships with people like Dayangku, Esther, and Defenny. Coming from a Chinese-speaking background, her experience at SEGi underscored the beauty of cross-cultural friendships in Malaysia.

As the world faces increasing divisiveness, Malaysia stands as a testament to the possibility of harmony amidst diversity. Through shared dreams and the spirit of muhibbah, Malaysians—united as Anak Malaysia—continue to build a future of inclusion and respect. SEGi College’s commitment to fostering such unity is not only a reflection of Malaysia’s national values but also aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, promoting peace, inclusivity, and quality education.

This event is organised in support of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions


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