SEGians Restore Ecosystem in Collaborative River Project

SEGi College Sarawak recently demonstrated its commitment to environmental sustainability and community engagement through a collaborative “Release Creature Life” activity with the Persatuan Fatt Lung Tang (FLT) Temple. The event was spearheaded by the Leo Club of SEGi College under the leadership of the Leo Membership Chairperson, Samuel Sim Yang Kiat. The initiative aimed to restore ecosystem dynamics, improve ecological resilience, and foster connections with the FLT Youth committees for future community service projects. 

 The event began with a warm welcome from the FLT Youth Team Leader, teachers, assistants, and temple kids. Faculty Advisor Lion Vincent Cheong introduced the participating Leo members, who later engaged in fun and educational games with the temple children. These interactions strengthened bonds between the groups, with winners receiving angpaos and all participants being gifted small packs as tokens of appreciation. 

The highlight of the day was the release of fishes and turtles into the 10th Mile Village River, guided by the FLT committees. Before the release, the Village Penghulu ensured that the natural river ecosystem was suitable for these creatures, affirming the activity’s alignment with sustainable practices. The funds collected—totalling RM1,125—were used to support this meaningful initiative, reflecting the community’s collective effort towards ecological preservation. 

The event concluded with a certificate of appreciation presented by Lion Vincent Cheong to the Head of the Welfare Committee, acknowledging the FLT team’s detailed guidance and collaboration. A group photo captured the spirit of the day, followed by a lunch provided by the FLT management, bringing the successful event to a close. 

This event not only underscored SEGi’s dedication to environmental stewardship but also its alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through activities like these, SEGi continues to empower its students to make a positive impact on the planet and within their communities. 

 This event is organised in support of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): 

SDG 14 (Life Below Water) 

SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) 

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