SEGians Apply Classroom Skills in Real-World Child Care

SEGi College Sarawak’s Year 2 Diploma in Early Childhood Education students recently embarked on a pivotal industrial engagement trip to Sunshine Child Care Centre, designed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. This experience, part of the Classroom and Behaviour Management subject, offered students the opportunity to apply their classroom management skills in a real-world child-care setting, marking a crucial step in their journey to becoming effective early childhood educators. 


The visit allowed these aspiring educators to work closely with experienced professionals, creating an environment of mutual learning and growth. The principal of the centre, Sally Sim, emphasised the importance of providing in-training educators with platforms to practice their skills while learning from seasoned educators. This exchange of knowledge and strategies is vital in developing educators who are well-equipped to foster nurturing and effective learning environments for young children. 


During the visit, the students demonstrated key competencies such as using attention-grabbing techniques and positive reinforcement to guide children’s behaviour. They also recognised the importance of setting clear rules before lessons and ensuring organisational skills were in place to manage lessons effectively. This included preparing materials in advance and applying smooth transition strategies between activities, which are essential in maintaining children’s focus and engagement. 


Reflecting on their experiences, the students acknowledged the challenges of managing children under the age of three, particularly due to the children’s limited language skills. This required the students to be more attentive to non-verbal cues and flexible in their lesson plans, improvising as necessary to maintain the children’s attention and ensure a successful learning experience. 


As these future educators continue to refine their skills through such practical experiences, they are being shaped into professionals who are well-prepared to contribute meaningfully to the growth and development of the children in their care. This initiative underscores SEGi’s commitment to providing high-quality education that aligns with global standards and prepares students for impactful careers in early childhood education. 


This event is organised in support of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): 

SDG 4 (Quality Education) 

SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) 

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