Diversity at SEGi College Penang

We live in a complex, interconnected world where variety is woven into the fabric of modern civilization, shaped by globalisation and technological advancement. Despite this interconnectedness, identity politics and the return of nationalist beliefs are fuelling increased polarisation — both in the physical and digital worlds. Employees’ similarities and variances in terms of age, cultural background, physical abilities and disabilities, colour, religion, gender, and sexual orientation are all examples of workforce diversity. There are no two people who are identical. People differ not only in terms of gender, culture, race, socioeconomic status, and psychological traits but also in terms of their preference to work with others or the value of diverse information, knowledge, and perspectives.

Having many colleges across Malaysia, we have discovered that an inclusive work environment is crucial, particularly in dealing with diversity, where people from diverse backgrounds feel respected and recognized. Workplace diversity is an asset for both organisations and employees, as it fosters innovation, creativity, and empathy which are best met by a broadened pool of experience and knowledge in ways that homogeneous workplaces rarely do. Yet, to fully realise the value of this priceless treasure, demands careful maintenance and meticulous orchestration.

SEGi Group of Colleges (SGC), not unexpectedly, tends to reflect the societal processes at play in our lives outside of work. As it so happens, the lion dance which took place here at SEGi College Penang is one of the most prominent Chinese New Year customs to foster employee collaboration and further enhance employee engagement. It has done to bring good fortune and success in the future year.

With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, hosting a lion dance in SEGI College Penang fuels up the environment with positivity and fills the entire working atmosphere with good spirits and joy.

The lion dance is a form of Chinese folk culture that has been celebrated by all employees at SEGi College Penang.

The lion dance is often used to bring joy and create a celebratory mood.

The principal of SEGi College Penang highlighted that the lion dance symbolic cooperation in teamwork which stems from planning, training, communicating, coordinating, and understanding. Hence, the lion dance ceremony is a good illustration of our college’s multicultural and workforce diversity which is one of the ways our college can foster Cooperation from within.

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