The future of shopping: affiliate marketing & e-commerce

E-commerce has changed the perception of business, affecting every individual who is part of any business, whether consumer, seller, advertiser or the business model itself. Today the internet has become part of all our lives, saving us a lot of time. We cannot be going to banks every day for small transactions. We are engaged in so much work that we hardly have time for shopping, and here e-commerce steps in, offering us the convenience and comfort of shopping from our own homes.

In March 2022, SEGi College Kuala Lumpur Business School collaborated with Bullmart Malaysia to introduce e-commerce’s affiliate marketing to give students a glimpse of the what buying and selling are on the Internet.

Led by Mr Weng Honn Kann, an influencer in affiliate marketing, and Ms Lucquisha, Senior Account Manager of Bullmart, this workshop for SEGi KL students aimed to bring awareness of the future of shopping and marketing without leaving the home.

The objective of the workshop was also to enhance the students’ knowledge of e-commerce, especially final-year students, and to train them to be well-prepared to begin their careers in the e-commerce industry. The workshop also included information on digital marketing, commerce and customer experiences and entrepreneurship.


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