That gut feeling


By Daksayani Ganeson, Lecturer, School of Education, MPU and Language

Medical science is discovering that the human gut is the ultimate regulator of body functions that determine all health vectors – from obesity, sleep disorders, anxiety, skin conditions and food intolerance to even Covid-19 related diseases.


Eat more fibre! High-fibre diets have always been linked to longer and healthier lives. But now they are being linked to healthier guts microbes.

  • A fibre diet boosts the number of good bacteria in your gut
  • The good bacteria make the walls of your gut thicker and stronger
  • The chances of a leaky gut are reduced, and harmful microbes and toxins don’t get into your bloodstream
  • The good bacteria aid in digestion and lower inflammation throughout the body

It is suggested that healthy adults should eat between 20 and 35gm of dietary fibre each day. 50% of your fibre intake should come from cereals. 30 -40% from vegetables, 15-16% from fruits and the remaining 3% from other minor sources.

  • Reduce stress. It affects the balance of your gut bacteria
  • Focus on fermented foods, particularly plain, natural yoghurt. They enhance gut health and reduce bad bacteria
  • It increases gut bacteria, boosts vitamin and mineral absorption
  • Eat diverse food, to get a diverse gut system
  • Remember, antibiotics also kill good bacteria in your gut
  • Eliminate foods that damage the gut lining
  • Eat foods that reduce inflammation
  • Get enough sleep, to improve the crosstalk between gut and brain
  • Water has a positive effect on the balance of good versus bad bacteria in the gut. So drink.
  • Eat food rich in polyphenol, coffee, cocoa, dark chocolate, green tea, to improve the gut microbiome
  • Eat whole grains. They contain non-digestible carbs that can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria.
  • Reduce sugar. High sugar intake disrupts the balance of microbiota, raises inflammation, and reduces immune-regulatory functions.


High-fibre foods: Legumes, beans, peas, oats, bananas, berries, asparagus, and leeks have a positive impact on gut health

Garlic and onions: These are anti-carcinogenic with immunity-boosting powers that relate closely to gut microbiome functions

Fermented foods: Kimchi, sauerkraut, yoghurt, tempeh, miso and kefir have significant quantities of probiotics

Collages-rich foods: Bone broth, salmon, lean meats, mushrooms and good dairy boost gut health


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