
Professional & career development

Discover what you want to do with your career, and develop the skills and connections necessary to help get you there. Beyond resumes and interview tips there is thoughtful and strategic planning, where we assist you in defining professional goals and obtaining career-related experiences. Online Resources Access online resources about finding and applying for jobs,...
Quote by Michaelangelo "I'm still learning"

“How education has positively changed my life” : an open letter to a form 5 student

“How Education has Positively Changed My Life”: An open letter to a Form 5 student who is undecided as to whether he wants to work after his SMP or to further his studies. By Christopher Wong, Lecturer cum Programme Leader, School of Education, MPU & Language Dear Student, In 2021, education is the foundation that...
Indecisive young woman

What to do after SPM: decisions, decisions

Congratulations!  So now you’ve finished your secondary-school education and you’ve successfully obtained your SPM or O Levels.  What comes next?  Well, you don’t have to zoom right off to college.  As much as we here at SEGi College Kuala Lumpur are providers of quality higher education, we also understand that for many people, college might...
Corporate workers having a discussion outside their office

Interpersonal communication skills at the workplace-part 1

By Ainul Haliza Binti Abdul Hair, Lecturer, School of American Degree Program Interpersonal communication is the process of sharing ideas and emotions verbally and non-verbally with another person. It allows us to interact with and understand others in our personal and professional lives. In the workplace, hiring managers often look for employees with strong interpersonal...
Laptop with person holding up a colour chart

Great creative career choices that doesn’t make you a starving artist

Creativity is a quality that’s always valued, no matter what the subject matter is.  The creative industry is an enormous one, and it continues to grow. Along with this growth of industry, grow too the great many creative and artistic career paths. From sole proprietors to booming international corporations to not-for-profit organisations, the creative industry...

Zero to hero! boost your confidence speaking in English!

By Daksayani Ganeson, Lecturer, School of Education, MPU and Language When was the last time I stood in front of an audience to speak English? I had to memorize what I needed to say, I felt nervous and my voice was shaky! I scanned through the room to see if anyone liked my presentation, looking...
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