The price and value of an MBA

Earning an MBA has become a “must” in accelerating one’s career climb. This is inevitable given the numerous degree holders in the workplace and labour market. The MBA is seen as giving the holder a competitive edge. It is also a fact that many business organizations are seeking to fill senior posts and/or promoting staff with an MBA. It pays to have an MBA particularly in a difficult business time like now.

Yet a student striving for an MBA has a big price to pay. It is not just the monetary cost of doing an MBA programme. The price includes the time spent in attending classes, doing the assignments and in preparing and sitting for exams successfully. For those who failed a subject, the price must include the cost of failure. But the ultimate price to pay for studying for an MBA is an inability to use the knowledge gained in the real world after graduation. This is equivalent to paying for something that the buyer cannot use – a total waste of money!

Not all MBA programmes teach practical knowledge. Many are so theoretically-oriented; they are no different from a paper mill that simply accredits a student with an MBA “certificate” of little value to the holder. There are also those with heavy stress on exams which test the student’s knowledge with low emphasis on the applicability of the knowledge.

For a student seeking an MBA, it is simply wise to seek a programme that is not only affordable but teaches the student practical and current knowledge.

In SEGi College Subang Jaya (SCSJ), we have such a programme for you. Our MBA is in partnership with the University of Sunderland (UoS) of UK. This partnership has been on-going for 6 years, producing many worthy MBA graduates who now are gainfully employed in senior positions in many industries both locally and internationally. The UoS-SCSJ MBA programme has undergone numerous makeovers to ensure all modules are kept abreast of changing times. For example, for the module, International Business Environment, students are required to discuss current issues like the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the US-China trade war on the business environment. For the marketing management module, students are asked to craft a marketing plan to sell a product on an international platform using current approaches including digital marketing.

An added advantage in doing the UOS-SCSJ MBA programme now is its affordable price. When balanced against its built-in applicability factor, it is a real value-for-money programme. There might be some MBA programmes perceived to be of a higher quality than the UOS-SCSJ’s programme, but these are so much higher-priced. Are they really value-for-money programmes?

Moreover, the current UOS-SCSJ’’s MBA programme can be completed in just 18 months. Think of the savings in terms of time and money. Of course, a student has to work harder to earn this MBA given the shortened time frame. In a sense it gives another benefit to the student – it conditions the student to stay focus and to work towards the objective without delays.

It is an opportune time to work towards earning a UOS-SCSJ MBA for those seeking an MBA qualification

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