SEGi Launches Advertising & Digital Marketing Comm Degree with University of Greenwich

As we are moving towards Digitalization, Digital Marketing is one of the most effective platforms for business growth. As such, Digital Marketing related jobs are now one of the high demand jobs in the market.

In view of the high demand of Digital Marketing jobs, Faculty of Business, Accountancy and Services is proud to launch its new programme – BA (Hons) Advertising and Digital Marketing Communications in collaboration with University of Greenwich, UK.

This programme offers an ideal study for those wanting to enter a career in advertising and marketing communications with a particular focus on digital communications. Graduates from the programme will have specialized skills in business, marketing communications strategy and planning, data analysis and research, web design and usability, digital marketing communications, financial management, brand management, as well as social media planning and implementation.

For more information on this programme, please call 016-212 9735 or visit us on our website.

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