Celebrating diversity & unity: Malaysia Day

On 16 September every year, we as Malaysians celebrate Malaysia Day. Our country was officially established on 16 September 1963, when the former British colony of Singapore, Sarawak and North Borneo (Sabah), joined the Federation of Malaya to create the Malaysian Federation. Singapore only remained in the federation for two years, leaving on 9 August 1965.

Establishing the country that exists today was not an easy task as the nation went through a lengthy process filled with various challenges and obstacles. Therefore, the younger generation must appreciate this fact and ensure that the country’s peace and prosperity is preserved in perpetuity. They should also continue to ensure that the cultures and heritage are well-preserved because it defines our national identity.

This is what we at SEGi always emphasize among our students, the importance of preserving our national identity as Malaysians. It is important to preserve our cultural heritage because it keeps our integrity as Malaysians. Regardless of our students’ differences in terms of races, religions, cultures and ways of living, we need to safeguard the uniqueness of our own cultures. In SEGi, we encourage students to engage in cultural activities to showcase the diversity of Malaysian cultures. Through these activities, students are able to identify and understand the differences in the multiracial society and appreciate how they have adapted with others’ cultures. They are also exposed to the diversity of ethnic cultures in Malaysia.

Considering the physical challenges during the coronavirus pandemic, our students put on their creative hats and go virtual. Replacing the usual crowds, SEGi’s students garner virtual crowds for their cultural appreciation activities. To date, our students have showcased traditional dances such as Tarian Joget, Tarian Kipas and Tarian Kolattam to celebrate the rich diversity of our nation. They have also participated in various traditional games such as Congkak, Batu Seremban and kabaddi. Students have also shared their cultural appreciation through productions of self-made videos about our traditional cuisines from various ethnic groups in Malaysia.

SEGi Students performing the Tarian Joget in celebration of Malaysia Day
Tarian Kipas, a Chinese Traditional Dance performed by students
Tarian Kolattam, performed by students in celebration of Malaysia Day

Unity, uniqueness and common goals permeate the harmonious community in SEGi. There is beauty in multiculturalism. Our diverse student population strengthens our institution and propels us to honour our promise – to make the best in you possible.


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