SEGi launches new Internet of Things [IOT] Training

The fourth industrial revolution (IR 4.0) is a set of rapidly evolving and converging technologies. They are blurring the lines between physical and cyber world through simulations, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT).

As the core technology in the fourth industrial revolution, IoT embodies an unprecedented proliferation of sensors and connectedness with other technologies to facilitate the communication and cooperation processes of cyber-physical systems. Without IoT, there would be no smart home, smart factory, autonomous farming, autonomous vehicle, and no fourth industrial revolution!

As the foremost institution towards IR 4.0, SEGi College Subang Jaya is working together with our industry partner, Tekmark Group to provide IoT training program that is recognized by Malaysia Board of Technologist (MBOT) as Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training program.

The training programme will take the participants on a journey to explore the main building blocks of sensors to the gateway, and subsequently, the cloud system. Aim of the training is to produce industry-ready technologist equipped with the knowledge of tools and processes used in the industry. Optimally, we also aim to bridge the gap between universities & colleges with the forefront industries!

MBOT is a professional body established under the Technologists & Technicians Act 2015 (Act 768), aimed to register and recognize Professional Technologists and Certified Technician as professionals. It was instigated by the recommendation of the Tenth Malaysia Plan (10MP), which has identified the needs for setting up a professional body to register and recognizing graduates of skills and technology. On the other hand, Tekmark Group is a reputable technology company that focus in most advanced and quality test and measurement solutions.

With the strong tripartite collaboration between SEGi, MBOT and Tekmark, now, everyone can jump on the IoT bandwagon!

WhatsApp or call us at 016-212 9735 to find out more!

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