SEGi’s Groundbreaking “Connected Parenthood” Workshop

SEGi hosted the transformative “Connected Parenthood” event on 20 January 2024, offering parents a valuable platform to explore strategies for nurturing strong family connections in today’s fast-paced world.

Organised by the esteemed Psychology Department, the event aimed to equip parents with insights and practical tips to foster meaningful relationships within their families.

Renowned keynote speakers, including the esteemed Dr. Sun Wei, an expert in family dynamics and child development, highlighted the importance of prioritising “quality time over quantity” and advocated for mindful parenting practices in the era of digital distractions. Through engaging workshops, attendees had the opportunity to share experiences and learn effective communication techniques essential for strengthening familial bonds.

The event underscored the significance of establishing rituals, participating in shared activities, and striking a balance between technology usage and face-to-face interactions within families. Practical guidance on setting boundaries and promoting self-care for parents added a holistic approach to the discussions, empowering participants with essential tools for navigating the complexities of modern-day parenting.

With a renewed dedication to placing family connections at the forefront, attendees departed the “Connected Parenthood” event equipped with practical strategies to overcome the challenges of contemporary parenting. The event served as a space for reflection, learning, and idea exchange, fostering the development of resilient and closely-knit families amidst today’s dynamic environment.

SEGi commitment to hosting impactful events such as “Connected Parenthood” exemplifies its dedication to promoting family well-being and providing a supportive community for parents. This initiative not only enhances SEGi’s reputation as a hub of holistic education but also reinforces its role in cultivating strong family relationships that endure the test of time.

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