Summer Student Exchange Programme to Japan

SEGi represent…in Japan!

From the 1 – 12 July 2019, five students, Law Yin Eang, Ling Tze Ing, Janise Goh Jin Yun, Joan Tang Enhui & Tan Ein Qian from the Faculty of Pharmacy took up the Summer Student Exchange Programme to Japan.

Here’s their (long but short) story:
Upon reaching the town of Nihon, they joined about 15 other students from other countries like Korea. They were then brought to their lodging.

It was an interesting twelve days for them where they had classes only in the morning as well as Study Tours. One highlight of a tour was to the Blood Centre and Traditional Medicine Factory located approximately an hour’s drive from where they were.

If they weren’t in class, they will be exploring the cities and stumbled upon many interesting places such as Ichijodani Asakura Family Historic ruins as well as Metropolitan Government Building. They also managed to try on the Yukata – traditional costume of Japanese women.
They were so intrigued by the town that they extended their stay.

Just a note that transportation takes up quite a bit of their finances and it was raining most of the time. However, it did not stop them from trying the food and seeing places.

If you want to experience what these ‘Fab-5’ did, head to your faculty to know the requirements to be eligible for this wonderful experience of a lifetime (Faculty of Pharmacy students, of course).