Short report on Mouth Cancer Awareness Walkathon and video competition

A Mouth Cancer Awareness Week Walkathon was held on 11 November 2018 at Taman Botani Negara, Shah Alam to officiate the beginning of the annual Mouth Cancer Awareness Week from 11 -17 November 2018. This is an annual event carried out by the Oral Cancer Research and Coordinating Centre (OCRCC) in partnership with other organisations, with the aim to increase public awareness on oral cancer. The walkathon and 5 km run was opened to the public and aimed to show support to efforts carried out in combating oral cancer. This event was attended by 10 staff members and 12 students from FOD SEGi University as a show of support to disseminate information about oral cancer and the activities held during Mouth Cancer Awareness Week. The Faculty of Dentistry contributed 200 disposable mouth mirrors for oral screening. There was also an Instagram video competition which was opened to dental students and to employees of the government sector to the raise awareness on oral cancer. Among the 9 participating videos, our students Muhammad Sanim, Mohammad Syazwan, Nabila Nadia, Affani and Afriza Farhin won the 3rd prize and was awarded a cash prize of RM 100.

Well Done FOD students. We are proud of you!!!

 Muhammad Sanim (Year 5 student) FOD, SEGi University giving the thumbs-up for the 3rd prize for the Instagram video competition

Staff from FOD, SEGi University along with their family members with their medals after the 5 km run.