Trouble Shooting/Problem Solving in Endodontics

Time: 9:00 am to 11:00 am

Venue: FOD SEGi University

The Faculty of Dentistry, SEGi University conducted a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme entitled “Trouble Shooting/Problem Solving in Endodontics” on 7th February 2019. This programme comprised three lectures and the objective was to provide updates on endodontics for the General Dental Practitioners and those involved in frontline case management in FOD. The speakers were Dr Neeraj Malhotra, Dr Preena Sidhu and Dr Sylvia Western J, lecturers from the Faculty of Dentistry.

The first lecture by Dr Sylvia was on “Trouble shooting/Problem solving in access opening”. The second lecture by Dr Preena was on “Trouble shooting/Problem solving in cleaning & shaping”. The third lecture by Dr Neeraj Malhotra was on ‘Trouble shooting/Problem solving in obturation”. The speakers shared several clinical tips and evidence-based approaches in contemporary endodontics. Participants discussed and clarified their queries and concerns pertaining to endodontics with the speakers. Overall, it was a very informative session and was able to meet the objective of the program.