The 14th Student Intellectual Discourse

“We Are Our Own Worst Critic – a phrase that we often use for ourselves when we put beyond high expectation on ourselves. However, by taking in too much of criticism from cyberbullying and even body shaming, could result in severe mental health consequences.

The Counseling Services of Student Affairs and the Chalkzone Academia had organized the 14th Student Intellectual Discourse via Zoom Meeting which comprising of 4 speakers from various programs. The topic was “Cyberbullying + Body Shaming : Am I Not Good Enough?” and it was moderated by Professor Azrin Ariffin, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs.

The student speakers were Kartikeya Murali and Juanita from Faculty of Education, Languages & Psychology, Himara Perera  from Faculty of Business, Accountancy, Communication & Hospitality Management, and Kazi Adhib that is currently majoring in Software Engineering.

The discourse was discussing about the effects of cyberbullying and body shaming that have become increasingly common as the digital sphere has expanded and technology has advanced. Most of the speakers agreed that cyberbullying is an insidious form of bullying that could drive people into suffering from mental health crisis, and worst, even compel them to commit suicide.

The discourse was attended by an astonishing number of 115 participants. Here’s to more intellectual discourse!

This was co-organized with the Chalkzone Academia Club