Cool Career Options as a Mass Communication graduate

Mass Communication is a field where it allows you to discover your skills and spread your wings to embrace creativity. A mass communication graduate has the power to impact society through the impeccable knowledge gained.

Here, at SEGi, we have diligently listed a few cool careers that you can delve into with our Mass Communication degree in your hands.

  1. Journalism

This is the most walked path by graduates of mass communication across the world. A fascinating career, your weight as a journalist will go up several notches when you gain a degree in mass communication. From print media to online media, today the opportunities for a journalist are endless. Whether you choose to be an investigative journalist or choose to go into entertainment, and the many hundred options in between, you will have the option to work with passion and contribute actively.

2. Broadcasting

Do you find video making fascinating? Have you ever wish to have the most entertaining and fulfilling careers path in broadcasting world? This will be your chance to become producer, television director, news reader, news writer and many more! All this is possible if you choose degree in mass communication. You will learn the nuances of video making through theoretical knowledge and industrial practical experience.

3. Advertising

Mass Communication graduates are sought by advertising agencies for various roles. Your degree will provide you with the right kind of knowledge in the field of advertising and creativity which you will be able to apply for the benefit of the organisation you work for.

4. Public Relations/Corporate Communication

The degree will provide you with the skills and competency to become a successful Public Relations (PR) or Corporate Communication (CC) professional. With the advent of the ICT, businesses are prompt to various crisis, hence, reputation management and media relations have become extremely crucial in the organizations. There is a range of opportunities out there waiting to be explored as you are the ‘bridge’ between the organization and the public. With the vibrant field of PR/CC, you can make a name for yourself to be a strategic communicator in the PR/CC arena.

5. Digital Media Expert

Digital media is the IN thing. Everything is online now and this is where the future is. A degree in Mass Communication will provide you with a solid grounding of theoretical aspects and knowledge of the digital world. You will be able to establish a strong career in any aspect of digital media – social media management, online reputation management, digital marketing, content marketing and so much more.

6. Event Manager

Does immaculate planning and execution appeal to you? Then you might be suited for a career as an event manager. Event management is no easy job. You will be required to handle a thousand things at one go. You need to be a multi-tasker and should provide attention to detail. During a mass communication degree, you will learn the nuances of event management. You will also handle innumerable projects during your course which will provide you with a hands-on experience of event management.

7. Graphic designer

If you possess a love for designing, a degree in mass communication will hone your skills further. You will go through training on different software of designing as well as how to bring your ideas to life, which will make you a seasoned professional in the field. Your talents will be appreciated by the industry.

8. Digital photography

If you love photography, a degree in mass communication will help you live your passion. You will be able to work for the media industry or advertising industry and take fascinating photographs for a living. You can also be a freelance photographer and work for multiple employers at the same time.

As per Job Street’s reports, arts, media and communications graduates were the 6th highest paying professional in Malaysia in 2017. From an entry level salary of RM2270, graduates in this field can move up the ladder in their career and earn an average salary of RM15,795 when they become senior managers. The highest paying job roles were in advertising, arts and creative design and public relations.

The world is open to you. Be what you want and live your passion with a degree in Mass Communication. You will be unstoppable.